General Stephen R. Lorenz, USAF was on the campus of Mississippi State University and gave one of the best lectures on ledership I have ver seen. The talk was directed towards the ROTC (Army and Air Force) cadets but he had nuggets for eveyone.
He gave his ten tenets f leadership which are:
1. Learn the art of balancing shortfalls. There is never enough money, time, or manpower.
2. Those who do their homework…win.
3. The toughest word in the English language to say is…”Yes”
4. Don’t lose your temper…unless you plan to.
5. Work on your boss’s boss’s problem…and you won’t have any problems.
6. Self-confidence and motivation 95% of any great endeavor.
7. Study the profession and read–especially biographies.
8. Life is a marathon, not a 50-yard dash.
9. Being in our profession [the military] is all about service to others.
10. You never know you’re going to make a difference.
General Lorenz also said that good grades will get you better opportunities but the fact that you do not have great grades will not necessarily keep you from achieving great things. He used self-deprecatng humor to drive his point home in saying the he made the top 75% of his class at the USAF Academy…possible.
I started to think about it and I came to the conclusion that the best leaders I have worked with were not always the top academicaly. They were surely intelligent, competent, and capable, but not always the straight-A students. In fact, the straight-A students have tened to be farly poor leaders.
I have to admit I truly loved his repeated appeals to students to read. Read anything but especially biographies.
Overal a great lecture. I hope we can get him back and have him talk to a larger audience.
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